
Star Wars


I have always been a great Star Wars fan, the films have always been some of my favourites combining SF with a strong mythical fantasy flavour. While most people think that Luke Skywalker was the hero I personally empathise more with Wedge Antilles. A quite character who never-the-less manages to save Luke's life, be in on the destruction of both Death Stars and also was the only pilot to topple an Imperial Walker using the harpoon tactic in ESB. So while Luke uses his hokey religion to get lucky and almost turn to the Dark Side, Wedge makes do with superb piloting ability. There is no doubt in my mind who the best X-Wing pilot is.

Recently I have been running a Star Wars RPG using the commercially published Dark Stryder Campaign. Initially I used the commercial rules, but found that things got far too slow and dice intensive during combat. So I quickly converted it to ODES which has greatly improved the speed and excitement of combat. This gives a much closer feel to that generated in the movies.

Read the Campaign Logs writen by AJ Smith
Want to roleplay in the Star Wars universe, but find the published system too slow and dice intensive? Try SWODES.


Page last amended: 29/12/1999 LFJ